Friday, 26 December 2014

The moment you've been waiting for.

So family, yeah you reading this right now, you are family so don't look over your shoulder searching for who I am talking about. You have been abducted and you are part of us now. I am talking about both you and the person behind you, yes so you at the back stop looking at me like that. You are family also. Anyway grab a snack and listen to this.
     Picture this scenario, you are done with school and you always had a dream job in your head. You want to work with shell, Google, Julius Berger or any other big company out there. So you put in your application and you stay waiting for them to approve it. Time passes by and you wonder why they haven't gotten back to you. You get depressed after long months or years of waiting and now you just have to settle for something because you can't go hungry of cos. A job opportunity in a small firm is open and you apply.
Fortunately or unfortunately for you depending on how you look at it, you become among the few selected to work at this little firm that overworks and underpays their staff. But you have no choice and you just have to wait it out and hope that one day your letter is answered. Now that is called having hope and you have the hope aspect of your life checked out of your list right? Alright cool. At this your new job frustration is setting in because of the way things are going and you just know that you are over qualified for this job and yet underpaid and as if that isn't enough, your boss gives you the worst attitude you could ever think of. But you know you do not have a choice and you just have to remain at this job,at least until you get that job you are still waiting for, while taking all the insults from this your boss. Now that is called being patient, and so with that we can say that apart from you cursing out in the bathroom each time you go to use the convenience, you have your patience in check right? Okay moving on...

One day on a Monday morning you are grumpily headed to work with your dusty suit that you do not bother to take care of anymore and murmuring to yourself how horrible the day would most likely be at work. When you receive a call. An unknown caller I.D, you don't usually pick unknown numbers but what the slam, why not just pick this one. So you hit the answer button and a voice comes through the ear piece.

  "Hello is this Mr Bleh, This is Mr bleh bleh, the manager of employments at Berger. We have reviewed your application and we are happy to tell you that sumtin sumtin sumtin, blah blah sumtin blah interview date on the bleh of bleh two thousand and bleh, your bleh blah blah blah. Thank you and hope to see you there"

I'm sure you all get the gist. So an interview date has been set for the next day! Your head is spinning from joy and you just can't contain yourself so you get to work and you do your job exceptionally well that day and no matter the attitude your boss gives you, you just keep smiling at him and you leave him wondering what is up with you today. Or maybe if you choose, you get to your office on time and stand outside whistling just to make sure you are late on purpose, your manager wants to shout because of this and you slap his mouth to the back of his face before he can complete the first word. He calls you to the office and wants to hand you a sack letter and you give him another resounding palm to cheek caress then drop your resignation letter. Bad Guy!!! Ok na let's keep going.

So the next day is here and it's time for the interview and you step into the hall for it. But then something odd is happening, this funny feeling in your stomach won't go away. You are asked the first question, a simple question but you can't provide any answer. The man on suit moves on and asks you a different answer and yet you fumble, a third question comes your way and you decide to answer this one and give the wrongest answer ever heard. You are asked to identify a machine that you clearly know but you just can't remember the name. What is happening to you? Is it the years of being out of practice? Or did your manager connive with your village people under these few hours to bring you down. Either way this interview is not going good at all.

Let's continue this later.(wink wink)


Am up tonight with lots of joy in my heart doing the one thing I have ever dreamt of doing, ''Giving a voice to the voiceless and putting smiles on the faces of those who have been treated unfairly, cheated, betrayed, denied justice, accused of doing things they knew nothing about... and all the hurtful things you can think of.
Cheer up dear friend, help has finally come. Lets talk about those life issues you wouldn't share with anyone for fear of stigmatisation and being labelled with that situation. We are here to give you all the counsel you need and ofcos if it goes beyond human comprehension, we'll take it to God who is the master of impossibilities.